Climate Justice Will Only Be Achieved Through the Confrontation of Oppressed People against Governments and Multi-National Companies Who Support Environmentally Destructive Capitalism
By George Kurzom
Exclusive to Environment and Development Horizons:
The Moroccan regime, which hosted the climate summit (COP22) aiming to reduce the risk of climate change, is the same host of the European waste and the thermal station operating on coal. The Moroccan regime also licenses the incineration and burial of hazardous waste in Moroccan lands and thus transforming it into a graveyard for toxic waste. This same regime signed and will sign agreements that the Moroccan people are unaware of.
The aim of the Paris Climate Convention in 2015 was to highlight the importance of not exceeding 1.5 degrees (Celsius) in the amount of global warming increase (compared to the pre-industrial era). In the first half of 2016, the target number was almost exceeded when global warming increased by 1.3 degrees
The discussions about the successful outcomes after signing the Paris climate agreement in 2015 contradict the continuous support of fossil energy industries. For this reason, the misleading attempts to use nuclear energy to save the environment should be confronted; as the Japanese earthquake in 2011 proved that nuclear industry is dangerous and destructive and atomic reactors still pose a significant threat to humans; whether as a result of a natural disaster, a deliberate attack or a human or technical error.
In both cases, civil and military, the damage is mainly caused by the same radiation leakage. This shows that supporters of nuclear energy who present safe nuclear technologies are misleading people as hidden serious nuclear accidents actually occur on a yearly basis.
It should be noted that the continuous capitalist development model threatens to aggravate the ecological crisis, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the unprecedented rise in earth temperature. This will lead to a rapid climatic disaster resulting in heat waves, droughts, water scarcity and floods. It’s clear that the ecological and environmental crisis as well as other crises will only affect the oppressed and lower classes whilst capitalists will go unaffected, and will continue to refrain from resolving the crisis with the help of governments, monopolistic owners and experts.
Popular masses should unite with the social and democratic movements to end the dominance of market economy and the international economic and monitory institutions. The existing development policies that are based on continuous economic growth increase and that exploit workers, farmers and drain the natural resources should be replaced by a new just economic system based on meeting the basic needs of the people, respecting the ecosystems and securing dignified and sustainable life.
In addition to the creation of a new economic system, there is a necessity to eliminate the chemical and nitrogenous cultivations that contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases causing global warming. Farmers should significantly diversify their crops, practices, mixed framings and ecological agriculture that contribute to the adaption of small farmers with global warming. It is also vital to abolish existing policies that support the use of destructive agricultural patterns that affect the climate balance such as the chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Translated by: Ghadeer Kamal Zaineh