By: George Kurzom

American prisoners as test mice
Exclusive to Environment and Development Horizons:
The following report reveals new horrific data showing the brutal, felonious, and sickening face of the American political system, which did not abstain from committing, against its own American citizens, muffled atrocities that have never been hear of around the world.
The horrors revealed in this report are to us marketed under the cover of scientific experiments, technological advances, the human good ("democracy" and "human rights"), and the fight against so-called "terrorism". But the real, concealed, goal is the American imperialist greed for money, wealth, power, and colonial expansion. It’s a never ending thirst-quenching of looting the largest possible amount of peoples’ wealth and resources, hence transforming the American system itself into a terrorist monster roaming vast areas of the globe.
The tragedy is that the American public, by in large, is easily withdrawing its attention away from the political scene coming from Washington, to the extent that it is completely oblivious to the horrifying experiences and the savage behavior which has become synonyms with the successive US governments. The terrifying American actions are practiced against humans and animals alike. For example, the US Government buys hundreds of dogs and cats from “Asian meat-markets” as part of horrifying testing on food-borne diseases. The "cannibal" experiments include killing cats and dogs purchased from Colombia, Brazil, Vietnam, China, and Ethiopia, then feeding the remains of these animals to cats raised in governmental laboratories for the explicit purpose of injecting it with the disease then killing it.
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs works on removing parts of dogs’ brain to analyse how this affects their breathing (USA Today, 2018). This is carried out by testing the coughing response before and after connecting electrodes on the spinal cord. Pacemakers are also implanted in the hearts of dogs, then stimulating heart attacks (before the blood is depleted). All those dogs are killed during experimentation (Karin Brulliard, 2018).
Animals are not the only ones treated by US government agencies like laboratory mice. Many US citizens, who are profiled and tagged by trademarks, undergo various experiments without their knowledge or consent (Cheryl Welsh, 2009); afterwards they are easily disposed of, and left to suffer from post-experiments effects. In 2017, during a simulation session of bio-terrorism, the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), inadvertently (as alleged) exposed about 10,000 firefighters, paramedics, and other responders to a deadly type of ricin (USA Today, 2017). In 2015, it was discovered that, over a decade, a US military laboratory had been "mistakenly" shipping anthrax to laboratories and defense contractors.
Although these particular incidents have been marketed as "unintended", we need not dig deep or go back far in the American history to discover many cases in which American governments have deliberately conducted clandestine experiments on hard-to-expect certain social segments - both citizens and non-citizens (NBC News, 2011). Such experiments turned healthy people into sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases, and exposing them to airborne toxins.
In earlier periods, especially in the 1950s and 1960s, American governments have argued that it is legitimate to experiment on people who do not have full rights in society, such as prisoners, mental patients, and poor blacks. For example, in the state of Alabama, 600 black men with syphilis were left without proper medical treatment to study the natural progression of the disease without treatment. In California, older prisoners and detainees on death row went through cattle testicle implantation to test their level of endurance; in addition to mental patients in Connecticut who were injected with the hepatitis B virus.
A History Full of Crimes
The history of the United States is full of governmental crimes against prisoners, under the guise of "scientific experiments". In this regard, the Associated Press reported that in the late 1940s and 1950s "had seen tremendous growth in the US pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, accompanied by a surge of experimentation on prisoners, funded by both the government and companies. By 1960s, at least half of the US states allowed prisoners to be used as clinical lab mice; as it was more affordable than chimpanzees (Mike Stobbe, 2011).
Most of these researches, carried out between the 1940s and 1960s, were never covered by the media, but were suppressed and buried. Some Americans who spoke out against these crimes were accused of obsession, insanity, or conspiracy.
These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the atrocities committed by the American regime against hard-to-expect certain American social groups, under the pretext of "secret research". For example, the US Army conducted ethnic-based designed experiments using mustard gas on more than 60,000 of its own recruits. All of World War II tests on mustard gas were secretly conducted and never accounted for in citizens’ official military records.
Most of the "researched" had no proof of what they went through, nor have they received health care, follow-up, or surveillance of any kind. Furthermore, they were forced to secrecy undertaking, under the threat of military imprisonment or expulsion from the army for disgrace. Many of them were left with inadequate medical treatment for their injuries, because they were not able to tell their doctors of what happened (NPR,2015).
Then came Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, where hundreds of civilians and US soldiers were injected with the soporific LSD. Some of them consumed hallucinogenic drugs that were added surreptitiously to their drinks on the beach or in local bars and restaurants. Before publishing this “research” project’s documents and facts, anyone who dared to talk about it was accused of mental disorder (Maia Szalavitz, 2012).
One can argue that all of this is old history, and that recent American governments are different from yesterday's government. But did the American governments really change? Did the American governments become more humane and more respectful of citizens' rights in, let’s say, the past two decades? Did they become more transparent or willing to abide by the rule of law? Are they more honest about their activities? Do they have better awareness of their assigned role as guardians of Americans’ rights? Or are American governments simply more intelligent and professional in dispersing, hiding, and obscuring their atrocious acts and evil experiments under layers of secrecy, lawfulness, and blackout?
After exposing the appalling experiments of the US governments throughout the 20th century, and the resulting anger and disgust; US governments began, in the present century, searching for human-laboratory-mice, especially in countries where clinical testing can cheaper, under less strict legal systems, or even in the absence of any legal controls (Mike Stobbe, 2011).
In Guatemala, prisoners and patients in a psychiatric hospital were injected with syphilis, to test whether penicillin can prevent some sexually transmitted diseases. In a study in Uganda, the US-funded doctors withheld giving azidothymidine (AZT) to all pregnant women who were previously injected with HIV, even if this drug would have protected the newborns from infection (Mike Stobbe, 2011). Moreover, in Nigeria, children with meningitis were used for the Trovan antibiotic test. Eleven children died while many others were left disabled (Mike Stobbe, 2011).
"Scientific" Crimes, What for?
The question remains: Why do American governments commit these "scientific" crimes? The constant answer is: money, power, thirst for control and absolute dominance. It is the unchanged answer, regardless to which totalitarian system is in power.
One can compare the horrendous impact which affected large segments of the American people, with the horrors in Nazi laboratories. In fact, following World War II, the US government recruited many of Hitler's staff. It even took his protocols, adopted his doctrines pertaining to law and order, and "scientific experiments", and implemented his tactics in gradual steps.
As the historian Robert Gellately recounts, the Nazi police-state was initially admired by the world powers for its effectiveness and orderliness, to the extent that Edgar Hoover, then head of the FBI, actually sent one of his right-hand men, Edmund Patrick Coffey, to Berlin in January 1938 at the invitation of Germany's secret police – the Gestapo (Robert Gellately, 2001).
The FBI were enthusiastic admirers of the Nazi regime – in the decades following World War II, the FBI, along with other government agencies, recruited at least 1,000 Nazis, including some of Hitler's top commanding officers (Eric, Lichtblau, 2014). Furthermore, thousands of Nazi collaborators - including the head of a Nazi concentration camp - were granted secret visas and transferred to the United States of America - (How Thousand of Nazis Were 'Rewarded' With Life In The US -
Subsequently, the Nazis (who were brought to the United States) were hired as spies and informants, and scientific advisers, and then disguised to ensure that their true identity and relations with Hitler-holocaust-machine were concealed. At that time, thousands of Jewish refugees were denied visas to enter the United States on the grounds that they could threaten the national security (Daniel A Gross, 2015).
Ironically, American taxpayers are paying the price of keeping these former Nazis on the payroll of the US government ever since. Like the Gestapo, anyone who dares to murmur about the illegal FBI-Nazi relation is pushed into the espionage square, harassed, menaced, and considered a threat to the national security (Eric, Lichtblau, 2014).
The political system which fails to recognize the dignity and the value of human rights, and to materialize them into reality on the ground, is merely a totalitarian and authoritarian regime. The most important question: how can we defeat the monster? His defeat begins by identifying this monster in its reality, and understanding its form, structure, mechanisms, and modes of moving to perpetuate its domination and its colonial expansion.
Translated by: Ghadeer Kamal Zaineh
Edited by: Carol Khoury